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Peacock Feathers
Creation 2019 - current events

What is it?

This staging focuses its energy on the transmission of curiosity, the desire for exploration and the human being's innate desire to know. 10 people in a troupe, dressed as divers, aviators, explorers and astronauts; They play with natural elements of the environment, to show that daily life is more than ordinary. All music is performed by the same members. We use giant bubbles, paper airplanes, helium balloons, Books, magnifying glasses, Satellites...because maybe... we love to Explore...


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Circus and theater in the streets

The Frog in the Hammock A.C. It started as a circus art company. Within our staging we represented the idea of exploring and experimenting with human curiosity. This led us to present our work in small, remote, forgotten communities or with important social problems. It was upon seeing these communities that we decided to form as a civil association and professionalize our work with the community intervention model that we use today.


Why is street theater and circus important?

Theater and circus in the streets is a unique artistic expression that has a great impact on communities. These artistic manifestations not only provide entertainment to spectators, but also have a positive impact on the community in which they are performed.

Additionally, it is an educational tool. Through the representation of relevant stories and themes, theater and circus can generate awareness and reflection on social, political and cultural contexts that affect the community. 

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